Wednesday, August 22, 2012

From This Moment

From today on, I am in charge of my life.

Today I rise above my limitations.

Today I release all my hurts and resentments
   and let forgiveness set me free.

Today I say yes to me and to love and to my power
   to make positive decisions.

My past is over and can't be changed.
Today I accept it and let it go lovingly.

I am creating a happier life by practicing forgiveness
   of myself and others.

Miracles are happening to me because I am willing
   to be changed and healed.

I feel happy and free.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Path

I know the path; it is strait and narrow.
It is like the edge of a sword.
I rejoice to walk on it.
I weep when I slip.
God's word is:
"He who strives never perishes."
I have implicit faith in that promise.
Though, therefore, from my weakness
I fail a thousand times,
I shall not lose faith.

Words of wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi