Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs

Loving myself is not going to be easy.

Every time I told myself that I was a child of God, Satan filled my head with the thought, "You are a liar, you are a son of Satan."  He reminded me of sin after sin that I had committed.

God is love.

Love is patient.  I need to be patient with myself.

Love is kind.  I need to be kind to myself.

Love also keeps no record of wrongs.

As I walked along the sand next to the ocean, I thought of the poem, "Footprints".  However, God gave me a different twist to think about.
Every time that Satan reminded me of one of my sins, I watched as my footprints were washed away by the incoming waves.  Even the deadly sins were mentioned

Pride.  Greed.  Envy.  Gluttony.  Lust.  Wrath.

On a beautiful day in Santa Barbara, I walked and talked with God knowing that every one of my sins was forgiven, each and every time I watched the waves wash away my footsteps.

Come to think of it, this may be easier than I thought.  I was happy to mention to God that I did not despair knowing that he had removed my sin as far as the east is from the west.

If God remembers my sin no more, I think I can receive His love and keep no record of wrongs either.

1 comment:

  1. JT... you da man... Excellent way to visualize God washing away our sins... Love you, Tim
