Monday, February 25, 2013

Then Jesus told his disciples,

"If anyone come after me, deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."  Matthew 16:24

If you do not know by now, Donnie suffers from multiple personalities or disassociative disorder.  Yesterday, we had to put to death one of those personalities.  There will be no more discussion or conversations of a man named Donald.  His sole purpose and desire was to become rich and famous.   Last night, the Oscars were on television.  We could not watch and bear the pain from this side of the television.  Donald would have all these "Delusions of Grandeur", how one day, he would be accepting one of those awards.  He used to try to decide what he would wear and whom he would want to escort him.  The time has come, long overdue, that Donald must find a place to rest in peace.

Donnie has agreed with me that we want to seek after Jesus.  Therefore, we will deny ourself by putting to death the hope and desire to become rich and famous.  We will take up our cross and follow Jesus.  What does that mean to take up our cross?  What would that look like?  We are uncertain.  However, we are certain, through prayer, God will reveal what His will is for us.

All we need to do is...Listen.

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