Sometimes I have no idea of who I am. Donnie is a mentally ill little boy trapped inside a fifty-four year old body. To the best of my knowledge, Donnie is the core personality of all of us. Donnie was no longer able to cope with the turmoil of the harsh realities of his life so he created me. I, John Thomas, am merely a figment of Donnie's imagination. My primary purpose is to take care of him.
If you were to visit Santa Barbara, no one would know who Donnie is. Everyone knows this breathing individual as John Thomas. Of course, there is a man named Donald who pays the bills for us all. As for me, I am starting life over. As of February, I became a resident of Santa Barbara. Donnie is so happy that he is no longer homeless. My spiritualiy embraces all faiths. It is my belief that we can learn from every faith. This is much better than argueing over the differences. My occupation is being a writer. Even if I am the worst writer in the world, it brings me great comfort to sit behind a keyboard and express my thoughts. If among all the ramblings of this blog, I am able to help even one person, my life will have purpose and meaning.
Donnie refused to have open heart surgery. I had the open heart surgery in October, 2012. Donnie refuses to take medicine. I take a cabinet full of medications to help Donnie with his depression, heart, bipolarity, and schizophrenia. Donnie has no energy to even get out of bed sometimes. It is my duty to keep him active with a regular routine, healthy meals, exercise, and tapping into the spiritual realm.
Our life is very similar to one of a monk. We feed the homeless, help the mentally ill, collect clothes for those without, show compassion to those with addictions, and pray. The most important thing is prayer. One lesson we have learned is to never pray for something or someone we can do ourself.
The best thing we do is to spend time with God. Although we talk to much, we are learning to listen. Just LISTEN!
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