Monday, August 5, 2013

Home Sweet Home

There is something very wrong with my mind.  This weekend I forgot who I was.  Had no idea where I lived.  Please keep in mind that there is no alcohol or substance abuse involved.  Even when I did partake in the past, I never lost my memory.  A little scary walking around and having no idea who you are or where you are.

On the upside side, the weather was beautiful and I enjoyed watching the sun set and the sun rise by the ocean.

When I woke up on Sunday, I had no memory of the day before.  I knew who I was and although I could not remember my address, I knew how to get to my apartment.  As I racked my brain trying to recall the last day, I shuffled back to Garden and Cota.  Once safely inside, I had total recall with the exception of the complete loss of memory of Saturday.  Truly there is no place like home. Home Sweet Home.

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