Friday, August 16, 2013

How Peculiar

One of my favorite past times is to watch my six water worlds that I have created.  The funny thing is that the water that I use from the faucet must be treated before I pour it into the tank.  If I do not treat the water, within hours my fish will die.  Keep in mind I have spring water, fresh water and salt water tanks and this rule apply to all.

My new obsession is house plants.  My home is filled with plants.  If you did not know better, you might mistake my place as a funeral parlor.  However, like my fish, the water I use must be treated before I water my garden.  If I do not treat the water, the plants will shrivel up and die.

However, the doctors tell me that I am supposed to drink eight glasses of this water a day.

How Peculiar!



  2. You didn't bring the coffin, did you? That'd complete the funeral parlor appearance. So glad you are enjoying your new digs. And get a Brita water filter jug... so you won't need the coffin as soon.

    check out my site
