Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mayor Helene Schneider

My first and last time that I ever was involved in a Presidential election was in 1972.  My friend John Shelk was the president of the young republicans and convinced me to help him reelect Richard M. Nixon.  Sometimes I can be quite delusional and I believed that we both worked in tandem and convinced the rest of our school, our state and then our country to reelect President Nixon.  When he resigned in 1974, his shame became my shame.  Still to this day, I believe he was a great president.  He only made one major mistake.  He lied.  I told myself that I would never be involved in national politics again.

However, I have met one of the most amazing individuals in politics today.  Her name is Mayor Helene Schneider.  She is the real deal.  She is open, honest and authentic.  Having become discouraged, I did not believe that integrity existed in government politics.  I could never have been more wrong.  Please decide for yourself.  I have asked her for her permission to help her with her upcoming bid for Congress.  Helene Schneider, the mayor of Santa Barbara is going to run for congress in the 24th district of California.  She will have big shoes to fill as Congresswoman Lois Capps is retiring after 18 incredible years.

Helene Schneider for Congress

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