Monday, April 25, 2011

Loving Being Back in California

"I have been crucified in Christ, it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me."

What a beautiful day here in sunny California.  I feel like a new creation.  Maybe all this stuff about Easter is true.  Although I am homeless and jobless, there is a wonderful peace that passeth all understanding.  Maybe because it is the first time that I REALLY have trusted God.  Maybe because it the first time that I have had to trust in God.  Either way, I am very happy.

Yesterday, Linda and I went to the Rennaissance Fair.  Greg and Shawna Hopla are the owners of The Tournament of Champions.  This is the first time we had all been together in over 15 years.  Dakota was only six years old when I went on a one month vacation across the country.  Now I had driven across the country with Donnie, Clyde and Baby and with guest riders Bill and Wayne to meet them in Irwindale, California.  Seeing Dakota fight as a knight with his father was extra special.  Linda and I had so much fun catching up with the Hopla family.  We spent a lot of time shopping and yes, we had to have one of those legendary barbeque Turkey Legs.  Linda had a couple bites of my pickle too.

Today my day started out at 6:00 am as I started to text those in Chicago.  My sister Linda asked me what my plans were for the day.  I told her among many things that I also had a three point plan for the Batle of the Dance.  As Pepe Sans is gone for the next two months, first I want to ask Sr. Andreas to train me to be the General Manager.  If that delusion of granduer fails, I will ask for my Director of Operations position back.  If they can not afford to pay for a management position, I hope they allow me to be a server for tips.  Since I have not job at present, I feel it would be a good idea to start off where I left off.  My prayer is God's will to be done. 

When God (or BOTD) closes a door, look for a window.  Don't stand in door, look for a window.

My heart soared with JOY as I reconnected with Mick, the cleaning crew, Warren, Daniel, Lucy, Felix and a ton of other friends/employees.  Senior Andreas was very conversational and was genuinely happy to see me.  Hopefully that is a good sign.  I asked him if we could get together and discuss things and he was very open to our meeting.  Monday is not a good day to try to meet with an owner so I may need to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday.  The good news is that we will be talking.

Lunch with Melody was delightful.  Leland Burbank and I had a wonderful conversation.  Linda and I were basking in the love of reconnecting with the Hoplas.  We are trying to meet for dinner this evening.

With all said and written, this was not the hightlight of the day.  Sometimes, you can be touched by an Angel.  This can be life changing.  However, to be touched by the Divine through nature is monumental and Awesome.  First, Linda invited Baby to live on the veranda instead of being homeless and living in my car.  Baby was out of her cage as I relocated her home on this special world created by Linda filled with cozy furniture, wind chimes and breath taking plants.  As we were settling in, a morning dove flew past Baby.  Startled, Baby flew to the roof also.  Immediately, Baby flew back to my shoulder.  This did not surprise me.  What did was that this precious dove, a reminder of my Grandma Zoch flew back to the veranda also.

Moments later, a humingbird flew by me like Tinkerbell.  Visited the feeder.  Flew back and observed Baby sitting on my shoulder.  As I reached my finger out to this emerald and ruby metalic bird, instead of flying away like a UFO, you would not believe my amazement when this hummingbird lighted on my finger.  A touch of the Divine through nature.

Sometimes life can get no better than the moment you are in.  That is, until another moment happens.  The most beautiful black and yellow butterfly floated by the veranda.  God wanted to remind me, John Thomas, that I truly am a new creation in Christ.

I am left to wonder, ponder and contemplate as to whether I really should legally change my name?


  1. What an amazing thing, to have a hummingbird land on your finger. Let me know if you'd like us to come and bring you here, if your car is not drivable and you need or want to come to Hollywood. Maybe there is an open door here, if all the BOTD windows close. Praying for you.

  2. Thank you SO much Sue! People tell me that I would be absolutely evil to have you sleep on the floor with your three daughters in your one bedroom home as I would lounge in comfort on your sofa. With your ill health and immense pain, I would not be a friend to you at all. My car is driveable. Donnie is afraid to live in Hollywood. I am still awaiting to have a meeting with Senior Andreas to determine my future at BOTD. Although that door may be closed due to the financial trouble at the theatre, a window may open with my business partner and Senior Andreas on several different venues. We covet your prayers. Your willingness and offer to help me are rewards that are being stored up in heaven for you and your daughters. We will be SO happy to visit you in the mansion that Jesus Christ is getting ready for you. Think about it. It took God only seven days to create the earth. It has taken him over 2010 years to prepare a place for the few people who call him Savior. Jesus said, "I am coming soon!" He is not a liar. It is just taking him a long time to prepare a place for us to celebrate. Hopefully, when I depart from this earth, it is a sign that I am needed to be the wedding banquet coordinator. Until then, I need to pray for the lost. Will you continue to pray with me?
