Monday, April 18, 2011

Snow is a reminder of our sins being completely covered over

John Thomas was thrilled to wake up to the world being covered in snow.  Snow is God's perfect reminder to us how our sins are being completely covered over by the blood of Jesus.  And how our hearts are as white as snow.  Donnie Harbeck had once again summoned John Thomas to take over life for him.  With this being the first day of Holy Week, John Thomas was certain to get an early start on the day.  He almost made it to the 6:30 am mass but not wanting to be late, communed with God at the 8:00 am service.  While waiting in the parking lot in the morning, John Thomas text Linda, Donnie's sister to ask about advice as to the next step for the irrational, depressed and emotionally unbalanced behavior of her brother.  They agreed that his seeing a psychiatrist was his next step.  The VA hospital has scheduled an appointment for Donnie next week.

John Thomas text Brian, Donnie's cousin about praying that Donnie does not go back into the Mormon church.  One of Brian's ministries is to talk to Mormons and help them see the truth that their church is not the one, true and only church for all Christianity.  John Thomas wondered how Brian had not been involved with Donnie for the past seven years.  Brian was very willing to talk to Donnie as much or as long as needed as soon as he returned to Texas.  Brian just lost his second Mother, Carol a few days before and was still in Appleton.

John Thomas also contacted Kelly and Tom B.  Kelly phoned back right away but their schedules will not align up until later this evening.  Tommy B invited Donnie/JT to stop by his office any time today.  He was free except for a noon meeting.  John Thomas went and had a wonderful time meeting Tommy and they both discussed the best way to help Donnie in his time of need.

I just noticed how much of a poor writer I am.  The last three paragraphs start out with the same name.
OOPS!  Still need to get over myself and just move on.

The time with Tommy was a defining moment for him.  After he left the office, John Thomas made more phone calls and visited Mike P who was not home, Donovan who was at work, and ended up talking to Stan at Chinn's 34th Street Fishery.   Knowing how much Donnie loved Phyliss, JT was overcome with emotion and needed to leave right away.  Stan said, "Thank you for all the times you visited my Mother.  I do not care anything about what took place here at the restaurant.  You and I were friends!"


  1. Donn, I was at the Laundromat by Jewel on Maple.

    Please consider the mechanical aspects of the Road Trip you are planning.

    Your Buick is not new, if you take an un-caged Bird along you will have to keep the windows closed and the A/C on continuously for hundreds of miles.

    Your car will overheat; and where ever that happens you will still have to keep the windows closed.

    If it happens in the desert you all won't survive three hours.

    I am not trying to discourage you, but please take what I am saying into consideration BEFORE the disaster happens.

  2. U A: You should talk to Stan and see if MAYBE you can get your Job back.

  3. JT, great to read about the time with family for you and the positive results. Also in this post to read about the many people you're connecteding with. Although it's not the best (ME!) ha ha... what matters is you're reaching out. ONe day at a time, my friend, Tim
