Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend - Monday

The Memorial Day Weekend would not be complete at Venice Beach without a body building competition at Muscle Beach.  Saturday there was a Sumo competition.   Sunday there was a Amateur Boxing competition.  Monday the weekend finished off with a Body building competition.  The great news for me is that all three days was completely FREE.

The miracle for me was to see answered prayer and how for four days in a row, the hungry and homeless had been fed.  It was not by the government who can not afford this expense.  It was not by the Church who has turned a blind eye to their true calling.  It was by individuals like you and me who decided to do the right thing.  Like Bono has been quoted, "It is just the right thing to do."

Like Nike says:  JUST DO IT!

Will you join me on this mission?

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