Saturday, May 21, 2011


The solution to Homelessness lies within the walls of the church.  I believe God has given me a mission and  a purpose to spend the rest of the days of my life!  First, I thought it was going to be by my being the Director of Operations at The Battle of the Dance in Anaheim, California.  When that fell through, I moved to Brownsville, Oregon to be the General Manager of Kirk's Ferry Dinner and Show.  My allergies were going to kill me so that closed those doors.  Maybe I could be the Producer to feature my friend in The Belle of Amherst?  Can not produce a show without a star.  Ending up homeless and jobless opened my eyes.

I once was blind but now I see.

This may be another delusion of grandeur of mine but at least it does not focus on me.  It focuses on others.  My deal with God is that he closes every door that he does not want me to wander through.  Only time will tell if this is where God wants me or not.  Truth be told.  The PURPLE TREES are a sign from God to me!

Although my heart yearns to live in Venice Beach, I am presently in Hollywood.  "Bloom where you are planted" Robert Schuller would proclaim from the pulpit.  Rather ironic coming from someone who has travelled over 4400 miles in search for where I wish to live. 

No need to reinvent the wheel.  Let me learn from the church to see what they are doing and maybe I can help the United States duplicate this in each and every city in the United States.  Monumental task?  Of course it is.  Do you think I would ask God for anything less?  LOL 

The Church of the Blessed Sacrament is MY church.  This is where I am going as it is the closest Catholic church to Sue Molenda's mansion in Hollywood.  Of over 264 friends and family on facebook, the only one to offer me a place to stay was the Molendas.  This is also a sign from God to me.  I tried Anaheim, Phoenix, and Brownsville first, but I still landed in Hollywood. 

This morning I stood in line to get FREE food again in the front of the church.  Rosa, a beautiful woman of God, invited me to have a hot lunch in the back of the church too.  As I put the groceries in my car, I was overwhelmed how little I ever helped at the food drives of former churches I had attended in the past.  Usually I was too concerned about the big productions that we were staging for the church, the singles, or  when I was working with the children from divorce or orphans.  Now as I headed to the social service center, I heard laughter coming from the far end of the church.  There were over 200 homeless waiting for lunch to be served.  The homeless form a community of their own.  Most of these individuals knew each other.  Some of these individuals have been homeless for over 20 years.

The Church of the Blessed Sacrament is a living example of what the church is called to do.

"When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat!"  Jesus said.

"When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink."  Jesus states at a different time.

"When I was naked, you clothed me."  Jesus says as he seperates the sheep from the goats.

For most of my life, I must confess that I have been a goat.  Now I am in a new phase and I hope that I can learn how to be a lamb.  PROJECT: HOMELESS is a documentary that I hope to produce as being one looking from the inside out.  My plans are Grandiose but DREAM BIG, right?  There is no way that I will be able to do anything at all  without the help from all the churches.  I will continue to remind you that YOU and I are the church.  Hopefully, you will pray how you might partner with me to "make a difference in the world" by feeding the hungry, healing the sick, clothing the naked and getting shelter for the homeless.

Or maybe you will be like I was and turn a blind eye like I did for half a century.

My prayer is this is not the case for you.  Willl you help me?

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