What a day at the Mental Health Facility! There is a man who runs walks around all day insisting that he is Henry the Eighth reincarnated. Not only is he Henry the Eighth, King of England but the unknown truth is that the King was gay.
Donnie knows someone who wanted to be Prince Charles so he would be able to marry Princess Diana. He also knows someone else who designed his Madrigal outfit after King Henry the Eighth.
Donnie looked over at me and said, "They all are pretty silly, aren't they?"
"Silly Indeed." I smiled.
We also met someone who told us she was the daughter of Lee Harvey Oswald. What a horrible life she has led being tormented by everyone as being the one who's Dad killed the president of the United States. Whether this is true or a delusion, she has been driven "Mad" by this belief.
"I remember being Donnie's age, when the President John F. Kennedy was shot. I was at Carl Sandburg grade school. They closed the school and sent us all home. I will never forget that day." Another member of the center said. "But Life goes on.!"
Today was Bingo day. It was the first day that Donnie and Bobby played. They both won a dollar. I did not win a dime. When Donnie yelled, "Bingo" he was so excited you would have thought he won a million dollars. A little bit later, Bobby won with even more enthusiasm. He had been happy for Donnie but sad that he had not won. Now with two little kids who thought they were the richest boys on earth, they begged me to take them to the dollar store.
Oh the simple joys that come with youth!
JT... wow you certainly posted a lot this past week, I do wish you'd get in touch with me. It seems odd that I keep writing to a post, but it's not a dialogue, just a monalogue. At least when i reply to you, you know that you're not just talking, people are reading and listening. Hope you find/found your wallet.