I will never give up. I will never give up. I will never give up!
The last couple of years, there has been setback after setback. I keep reminding God that he promises not to ask more than I can handle. God thinks and knows that I can. As cliche as it may sound, "If at first you do not succeed, try, try again" rings true for me.
So I picked myself up and brushed myself off and headed to the Mental Health Facility. Guess who I run into? Dolly Reynolds. Dolly Reynolds is a Drag Queen who like me suffers from Bi Polar Disorder. He/She was in quite a state. What is the best thing I can do? Listen. As she told me his/her story, I felt that I could relate to her pain. Her pain is her pain. My pain is my pain. However, being in pain, I was able to understand, empathize and listen. Just Listen.
When she was done, I challenged her to learn the words to "Ain't Down Yet" by Debbie Reynolds from The Unsinkable Molly Brown. Honestly, how can you be a drag queen if you can not do Debbie Reynolds.
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