When you are jobless and penniless, one does not have the opportubity to go to the movies. I am very blessed that the Fellowship Club was given free tickets to the matinee yesterday. At first we were going to see Lincoln but I thought Donnie would enjoy seeing Les Miserables. I was right.
When Donnie heard the song, "Bring Him Home", it was as if the floodgates were opened to little Donnie's soul. It has become clear that I need to allow Donnie to live in his imaginary world. My purpose is to continue to pray to God for peace and rest for "the son I might have known had God granted me a son."
Once we got past the movie was about the Gladiator versus the Wolverine, we both were able to throughly enjoy rhe movie. The Fellowship Club had supplied us with brown bag lunches and I had a coupon to get Junior Mints and Raisenettes so we were all set to go.
Donnie will be singing the songs from the movie for the next several weeks. I will let him believe that he sings just as good as the stars in the movie. Let him believe. It makes him happy!
JT, some people like roller coaster rides, but the roller coaster ride of life, is a whole 'nother thing... Thank God, that He is there for us. I continue to check your readings (very nice, by the way!), each week. I tried to call you but it doesn't allow me to leave a message. My machine does, if you can call me (818) 893-0406. Blessings!