Saturday, January 5, 2013

Maybe This Time

According to the world standards, I am a loser.  Presently I am jobless and homeless and I will never be married nor will I ever have children or grandchildren.  Pathetic, right?

For over a year now, almost on a daily basis, I play chess with Paul.  Chess is one of my favorite things to do in the world.  I never win.  Paul is always very patient with me and he is happy to see that my game has been improving.  Paul is the Master chess player.  I merely his student.

On my cell phone, I have a game called Forbidden Treasures that I hate to play.  Presently, I am level 28.  After each level one completes, the games states "YOU WIN".  However, if you fail to complete a level, "YOU LOSE" are the last words that one sees.  For me, I never understand why I do not think of myself a winner for 27 times.  The only thing that rings through my heart and soul is that "I am a loser."

All I know is that I have decided to not give up.  Not give up on life.  Not give up on playing chess with Paul.  Not give up playing Forbidden Treasures on my cell phone.  Why?  Because "Maybe This Time" I win.

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