Friday, June 7, 2013

Bloom Where You are Planted

When I moved to Anaheim, California, I was happy that I would be able to attend services at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove which was practically around the corner from The Battle of the Dance.  I was heart broken to find that the church had filed for bankruptcy.

When I attended the Crystal Cathedral, Robert Schuller preached a sermon entitled "Bloom Where You are Planted" which was one of the chapters from his latest book at the time.  I believe that God has brought me to Santa Barbara.  Although I had made a number of ill thought out decisions, God used those decisions to lead me to exactly where He wants me to be. 

If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, "I feel closest to God when I am by the ocean."

Now that I find myself grounded and connected to God, it is time for me to focus on blooming where I am planted.  As I volunteer with the homeless, unemployed and the mentally ill, I am open to the great commission which God has given each of us.  No longer am I interested in preaching and evangelizing.  My main goal is to be love.  As I try to empty myself of my endless self absorption and selfishness, I seek and request God to fill that space with love.  As God is love, I hope to be an empty vessel for God to love through me.  "Through me, with me, and in me, in the unity of The Holy Spirit" is my prayer.

For many years I have been like one of my gardenia plants which never blooms.  Today is a new day!  I hope and pray that God will use me like my gardenia tree which blooms the most beautiful white and fragrant flowers.

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