Monday, June 24, 2013

Talks Least, Says Most

I think I need to check my high school year book but I believe I was one of three people given the title, "Talks Most, Says Least".

The direction I wish to head for the rest of my life is for others to say I

"Talk Least, Say Most"

1 comment:

  1. While that might be a good thing to aim for in conversation, it isn't really a good idea for a writer. Writers must use words. A skilled poet may express profound thoughts in a few words. But a blogger must actually write. A good blogger must not post quotes from old Internet memes. You have a nice blog going. My advice is that you start working on driving traffic to it. Do a little research on how to use tags, keywords, and perhaps advertisements to drive traffic to your blog. I am about to get serious with mine. But notice... Between the two of us, when it comes to our blogs, I have talked the least and said the least. You have talked the most and said the most. Now, just... work on finding your audience. Because there are people out there who would read this. People who need it. Figure out who they are... people on a journey like yours? There are many. People who may have harmed people in ways you were harmed? Don't write to them, though. Or do. Yes, maybe... do. That might be an incredible catharsis for you and for people who identify with your sufferings. You aren't the only one. Speak for yourself, but in such a way that those who listen might see you triumph over all the past and present pain and find hope that they will be able to do the same. Or... as my revamped blog is going to do... you could at least give voice to their pain.
