Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Desire is to be More like Christ

My desire is to be more like Jesus Christ.

Since God is love, then John Thomas desires to be love.

Therefore, John Thomas is patient.  John Thomas is kind.
He does not envy.  He does not boast.  He is not proud.
He is not self seeking.  He is not easily angered.  He keeps no record of wrongs.
John Thomas does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

God never fails.

Love never fails.

Although I shall fail often,  I shall spend the rest of my days trying to become love

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sayings of the Desert Fathers

    One day when Abba Macarius was going down to Egypt, with some brethren, he heard a boy saying to his mother, "Mother, there is a rich man who likes me, but I detest him; and on the other hand, there is a poor man who hates me, and I love him."  Hearing these words, Abba Macarius marvelled.  So the brethren said to him:  "What is this saying, Abba, that makes you marvel?"  The old man said to them, "Truly, our Lord is rich and loves us, and we do not listen to him;  while our enemy the devil is poor and hates us, but we love his impurity."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Words to Live By

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the universe, deserve your love and affection."

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

May God embrace those who lost someone on 9-11

There are certain times in life that you can remember exactly where you were at when something horrible happened.  I remember when John F. Kennedy was shot.  More recently, I remember 9-11.  One of my friends was frantic to hear from her husband who was in the towers that awful day.  Fortunately for her, her husband made it out safe.

Many others did not make it out alive.  This day is a horrible reminder for all those families and friends who lost someone.  My prayers implore God to embrace each and every one who suffered the loss of a loved one.  Lord, hear my prayer.