Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ashley Haynes

It might just be possible that I have the most wonderful niece anyone could ever have.  Although I may be a bit partial after reading this blog, you probably will agree.  BTW Ashley is the beautiful girl wearing purple.

If you have been reading this blog, you know I have been going on a roller coaster ride over the wonderful note my niece, Ashley sent me.  I was so happy to receive, devastated when I thought it was missing, and frantic waiting to hear if the note had been returned.  The great news is that Ashley mailed the returned note back to me.

The note had the words

The Lord brought you to mind today.

on the front.  Inside Ashley wrote these words,

"My dear uncle,

   I wanted to send you a note because you have been on my mind lately.  I think back to the many hours we spent playing Polly Pocket.  I loved playing with you.  I laugh when I think about how stubborn we both were when it came to the zoo scene.  But it made the game all the more fun.  I love you so much.  I hope you are doing well.  Know you are on my mind and in my heart.  Let's play a game of Polly Pocket and this time, I want you to have the zoo.  I love you Always.

(Heart) Ashley"

Ashley enclosed the three cards with the zoo scene in the note.  Tears of Joy roll off my face as I remember the fun times we had.  It seems like only yesterday.  I blinked.  Somehow almost twenty years have passed and Ashley is a senior at college.  This note is absolutely precious and priceless to me.  I have bought a frame for the note and the three cards from the zoo scene and proudly display it on my bookcase. 

You must agree with me that Ashley is a candidate for the most wonderful niece?

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