Yesterday I was joking about inviting God to see the world we created. With my Mormon mentality, I joked about being the creator of my own universe. In therapy, my psychiatrist said. "You believe you are the center of the universe. You believe in a god of your own creation."
Today the lesson is that God created me to be like Christ. If we love and want to spend eternity in heaven, our goal on earth is to try to be Christ like.
Satan was cast out of heaven for wanting to be God. He rebelled against God and Satan and one third of the angels become demons and fell with him. I have often made decisions that I claimed were answered prayer which in fact, were my being the God of my own universe and making it happen. How many times have I rebelled against God? Please do not try to answer that. The number is too great to fathom.
It appears to be no joking matter about wanting to be a god. It is obvious that rebelling against God is a very bad idea. There seems to be a Huge difference from wanting to be a god and being Christ like as much as there is a difference between hell and heaven. Darkness and Light.
"Dear Lord, I implore you to teach me the difference of wanting to be a god and being Christ-like. Please create in me a clean heart which desires to be obedient to you because I love you not rebelling against you because I think my plan is better than your plan. I am a very selfish man. I know no one more selfish. Please help me become selfless. Truly your son was selfless enough to come to this planet to die for my sins so that I could spend eternity with you. You call my your child. Sometimes I think that equates to being the next King of England when the Queen resigns or dies. You know how I have suffered from that delusion of grandeur. Dear Father, please teach me to allow your love to flow through, with and in me to love you, family and friends as the Creation you intended me to be. I love you! Your child, John Thomas"
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