As I continue to be led on Rick Warren's journey towards a purpose driven life, on the third day, we are asked, "What drives your life?"
Is your life driven by guilt?
What about resentment and anger?
Does fear control and drive me?
Are you a "material girl" or boy?
Does the need for approval from friends and family cause you to spend the majority of your time worrying about what others think of you?
For me. there is no wrong answer. Ask Mike Payne or any other of my close friends, "Does he torture himself to the point where he exists in his self made hell? The question is rhetorical. I think you already know the answer. However, instead of wasting one more minute focusing on the negative, I am ready to explore Rick Warren's five solutions.
1. Renewing my purpose gives meaning to my life. "Humans were made to have meaning. Without purpose, life is meaningless. A meaningless life is a life without hope or significance. God gives purpose. Purpose gives meaning. Meaning gives hope and significance. There is awesome truth contained within that logic.
2. Knowing my purpose simplifies my life. Instead of thrashing over guilt, resentment, anger, fear, materialism and the need for approval, being purpose driven makes life simple. My mind is free to ponder and meditate what God has planned for me rather than obsessing over all those negative driving forces.
3. Knowing my purpose focuses my life. Free from the torture of my self imprisoned hell, I now have all the time and energy to focus on what God has in store for me.
4. Knowing my purpose motivates my life. Living with passion drives me to achieve what it is that God meant for me to accomplish.
5. Knowing my purpose prepares me for eternity. This is merely a temporary dwelling. As I focus on living with a purpose driven life, it prepares me for the eternal dwelling place that God is preparing for me.
Whether you go on this journey with me for yourself or whether you are merely kind enough to walk with me on my own journey, I am so blessed that we are together. Thank you for loving me enough to take the time to invest in my life. Thank you for being "here" with me.
JT, I often use the story about the two boys, but noticed you used the wording of horse 'manure' whereas another word, expresses the sentiment more effective (jokingly!), and meeting two important people (Carol I knew, the old man I don't), but we're all God's people. No need to buy the book, you seem to be posting much of it in your blog. Gosh, I desire more direct communication with you, via email, phone, etc, but it's difficult feeling like it's a one way monologue. Someday, I'll try to be more patient. You are loved.