Sunday, April 24, 2011


He is Risen!  He is Risen!  We serve a living Lord and Savior.  His name is Jesus Christ!

For the first time in my life, I REALLY believe that Jesus Christ lives inside me.

Yesterday, I woke up in Gallup, New Mexico.  I asked God to lead my path as I drove across the country.  My original intention was to visit my cousin in Phoenix.  As I am about to get on Highway 40 west, there is a man hitch hiking on the side of the road.  Donnie starts to panic when I mentioned that we should pick the old man up and give him a ride.

"Donnie, I think Jesus would want us to give that man a ride!"  I said.

"I am going to hide in the back seat with Baby and Clyde!  Please do not tell him that I am here!"  Donnie pleads.

"I promise, Donnie.  Now go back to sleep."

It turns out that this retired old man named Bill had waited five days to get a ride.  Immediately, I felt the presence of God in my heart.  We had done the right thing.  God was leading my path.  It became even more evident that I was being directed by God when we came to the fork in the road.  Bill was going to Needles, California.  My cousin Bill lives in Phoenix, Arizona.  Instead of going west, I would need to go north on Highway 17.  My simple prayer was that God's will would be for me to go north if I heard from Bill.  If not, I was going to continue going west on HWY 40.  Long story short, no call from Bill.  Ten other people contacted me but not one of them was Bill.  Donnie wanted to go to Phoenix.  God wanted or I percieved Him to want me to go west.  How could I drop this guy off in Flagstaff, not knowing if he would have to wait another five days for a ride.  Donnie said we could pick him up on the way back from Phoenix.  I said, "No dice."

Bill was elated when I dropped him off at the front door of his shelter in Needles.  As we parted ways, Donnie waved Good bye too.  He had remained quiet the entire time.  Baby had not.  She sqwauked for hours upset that Donnie was taking up too much room.  Clyde's tank as it was took 2/3 of the back seat.  As far as she was concerned, "It was not fair!"  Baby was not buying the line, "Life is not fair!"

I was not happy to see that the gas in Arizona was one dollar less than it was in Needles, California.  There is no way I am paying $4.89 per gallon.  I am going back to Arizona.  I got lost and was back on Highway 40 with an empty tank of gas.  When I got on the ramp, I saw another old man looking for a ride.  Donnie was not happy as he had moved back up to the front seat. 

"He has too much stuff.  There is no room for him and his stuff."  Donnie complained.

"And you should talk!" I snickered.

We passed the old man and I saw the next gas station was 68 miles away in Ludlow.  There is no way we would make it with an empty tank of gas.  I have made this trip before and prayed like never before running on fumes.  Making an illegal u-turn.  "Sorry, God!" we were headed back to Needles. 

"I guess you really want me to pick up that old man!"  I "LOL" with God.

After filling up, as expected, the old man was still there.  "God's taxi" I laughed with God.

Wayne is a real American Indian from the Pueblo Tribe.  I could write a book about his life.  Never realized what a racist I was in regards to Indians.  Most of the info I have is from Westerns.  History books are full of lies.  Hitler used propaganda.  So did we.  The trip was absolutely enlightening!

Wayne was going to Long Beach.  Donnie wanted to go to Anaheim.  Sue was waiting for us in Hollywood.  I decided to take Wayne to Long Beach.  Wayne insisted on buying me dinner.  I took him to his McDonalds.  Wayne schooled me how to survive being homeless.  Here I thought God had sent me to him.  Instead God had sent an Angel named Wayne to watch over me.  What is that verse about "There were Angels Amongst Us?"

Wayne had touched my heart.  I was crying Tears of Joy!  Even homeless and jobless, my life is SO blessed in comparison to others.  My prayer was that I would learn to never complain again.

Do you know what I did?  Of course you do.  Where do I feel closest to God?  Yes, minutes after departing from Wayne, I was walking along the beach next to the ocean talking to God.  Sue had invited me to join her and her three girls in Hollywood so I was not homeless.  However, I decided to spend the night on Long Beach basking in the love of God working through me, with me and in me. 

The phone rings.  It is Bill.  He was so bummed that he had not called sooner.  Yes, although I had invited myself to his home for Easter, truly I was invited, not just for Easter but also to stay as long as I would like.  I could spend Easter in Hollywood or I could spend Easter in Phoenix, Arizona.  Originally, I had been invited to spend Easter with Dan and Julie Tabian Carlson.  As I wait next to the ocean communing with God as to where to go next, I fall fast asleep.

I think this is the best Easter ever!  Happy Easter to you!


  1. Happy Easter, John Thomas and Donnie. Are you in Phoenix now?

  2. We never made it to Phoenix. Having car problems. Service engine light is on. In Anaheim right now, checking on my status at the Battle of the Dance.
