Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Time for Prayer and Fasting

What may appear as major depression for Donnie, was the perfect opportunity for John Thomas to join other friends on a joint effort to support a friend who is dieing.  Donnie may be sleeping but JT was able to pray and fast.  John Thomas completely trusts God in his infinite wisdom.  Donnie wishes to die but continues to live.  His friend wants to live and is on her death bed.  Life sometimes does not make sense.

The purpose for John Thomas' life is to be a messenger for God.  His primary goal is to draw nearer to God and give Him glory.  JT wants to do that by praying for his friends and family.  When someone trusts God like John Thomas does, it is easy for him to pray God's will be done and rest easy.

Please understand that JT loves Donnie and will do whatever he needs to do to help him find comfort, peace and rest. 

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