Wednesday, August 3, 2011

God's House

What a JOY it is for me to be able to go to God's house!

At mass today, as I prayed the Lord's prayer, it was clear to me that God ALWAYS provides me and my homeless friends our daily bread through all the organizations like Get Love who feed the hungry.

Yet my heart pangs in grief as little is being done to house the homeless.  My solution to the homeless situation is unlocking the doors to the church and inviting the homeless into God's house.  Is that God's plan?  I pray, contemplate and wait patiently for God's answer.

Will you pray with me?

1 comment:

  1. JT, your solution is enviable - BUT, if the Church invited the homeless in to stay; 2/3rd's of the Church's possessions (and ALL the copper wire) would disappear in a day to two.

    Sorry, Sad reality
