Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Butterfly Freedom

"And what's a butterfly?  At best,

He's but a caterpillar,  At rest."  Quote by John Grey

Most of my life,  I have been chasing fantasies and delusions of grandeur in the hopes of transforming my life.  Whether I be like Cinderella singing, "In my own little corner in my own little way, I can be whoever I want to be!" or "Some day my prince will come."  Whether I be a little peasant girl or boy,  I am waiting for my fairy Godmother to change me into a beautiful princess or prince.  How many years were wasted hoping that I would be able to marry Princess Diana?

Recently I had an epiphany.  What's wrong with being a caterpillar?  I love being a caterpillar.  I love being me.  Now I rest knowing that I am just the way that God knew I would be.  Besides "He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it!"  It is God's job to transform me.  All I need to do is rest.

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