Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A New Perspective

Usually when I look at the above picture,

This is what I see.  My hope, prayer, desire and dream is to be held in the arms of Jesus.  Although I know I am forgiven, I long to feel God's touch.  However, I am beginning to look at the picture in a new way.  Jesus was the last sacrificial lamb.  Everything about Passover, The Lord's Supper and the Eucharist revolve around our consuming the body and blood of The Lamb.  I am beginning to look at the lamb as Jesus Christ.  My hope, prayer, desire and dream is to hold Jesus Christ in my arms.  To love God.

You might notice the nail scar in my hand.  Simply put, "I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me."  As I focus on dying to myself, I open myself for the love of Christ to fill me.

As I learn to love myself and loving God, then I can be obedient to God's call to "Feed his Lambs."

The picture would look something like the one above.  I invite Jesus Christ into my life to work in me, with me and through me by the power of the Holy Spirit to love God and others.

A New Perspective.

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