Saturday, June 22, 2013

Funny Thing Happened at VA

One of the great things about getting older is that all the body parts start to wear out.  As I now have problems with double vision.  I can not see close to read.  Nor can I see far to drive.  Bifocals cause me to have the worst migraines so when I had to choose between having reading glasses or glasses to drive with, I chose to be able to read.  Well, that was great until I applied for a job in which I would be required to drive.

As I barely passed my vision test at the DMV, I decided that it was time for me to visit my doctor at the VA to ask for a referral for the eye doctor.  As I was waiting to see the doctor, the nurses do their normal check of vital signs.  Unbeknownst to me, my pulse is at 40.  Normal is supposed to be between 65-70.

The VA thinks they may have to cut me open again for another surgery.  They may need to replace my valve with a metal valve and/or implant a pacemaker.  Next week I am scheduled to have a battery of three tests.  Monday I will get an EKG.  Tuesday and Wednesday I will have a 24 hour monitor attached to my body.  Following the results of those two tests, I will be scheduled to see the cardiologist   in West LA.

Funny thing is I was trying to get a pair of glasses so I would be able to go back to work.  When they find out I may need to have six months off for another surgery, I will be certain to not get the position.

All I wanted was another pair of glasses.  Instead, the VA may have saved my life once again!


  1. You should have someone to take care of you during your rehabilitation!

  2. God works in mysterious ways! Praying for you! Love you my dear friend.
