Made for a mission

You were made for a mission. God is at work in the world, and he wants you to join him. T he assignment is called your mission. God wants you to have both a ministry in the Body of Christ and a mission in the world. Your ministry is your service to believers, and your mission is your service to unbelievers. Fulfilling your mission in the world is God's fifth purpose for your life.

Your mission is a continuation of Jesus' mission on earth. As his followers, we are to continue what Jesus started. Jesus calls us not only to come to him, but to go for him. Your mission is so significant that Jesus repeated it five times, in five different ways, in five different books of the Bible.

Your mission is a wonderful privilege. Although it is a big responisibility, it is also an incredible honor to be used by God.

Telling others how they can have eternal life is the greatest thing you can do for them. If your neighbor had cancer or AIDS and you knew the cure, it would be criminal to withhold that lifesaving information. Even worse is to keep secret that way to forgiveness, purpose, peace and eternal life. WE have teh greatest news in teh world, and sharing it is the greatest kindness you can show to anyone.

Your mission has eternal significance. It will impact the eternal destiny of other people, so it's more important than nay job, achievement, or goal you will reach during your life on earth.

Your mission gives your life meaning.

God's timetable for history's conclusion is connected to the completion of our commission. Today there's a growing interest in the second coming of Christ and the end of the world.


point to ponder: I was made for a mission

verse to remember: "God and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20(NIV)

Question to consider: What fears have kept me from fulfilling the mission God made me to accomplish? What keeps me from telling others the Good News?