Monday, June 10, 2013

Learning from Cassie

My friend Cassie is an administrative genius and I believe has the spiritual gift of administration to boot.  I, on the other hand, am not and do not.   For years, I have not liked the background of this blog. 

Having just completed Rick Warren's, The Purpose Driven Life, I decided that it was time to move forward.  Make new changes.  The Past is not the Future.  Live in the Present.  And as simple as pressing one little button on the computer under the customize portion, I was able to go from not liking the background to loving the new background.

As I ponder areas of my life that I do not particularly like, I wonder how many of those could be changed by a simple decision?  It was a simple decision to change backgrounds.  It was a simple task to press the button.  The key is I needed to know where and how to make the change.

As a Christian, I know where to go to make the changes that I do not particularly like.  "He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it."  God is much more concerned about my transformation than I am.  Knowing where to go, it is very easy to ask God to help me to be the person that he designed me to be.  To use the gardenia example again, God and I are tired of my being the plant that never produces flowers.  It is high time that I become like my gardenia tree and produce beautiful and fragrant white flowers.  Like the beautiful gardenia tree, I am thrilled to wait and see what God had always meant for me to be.

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