Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Taste of Heaven

Sometimes God gives us a taste of heaven.  I live at the Garden Street apartments in Santa Barbara.  The floral and greenery are absolutely beautiful.  In the last couple of days, I have been going down to the 99 cent store and picking up some beautiful plants for the inside of the apartment.  So far, I have two green ivy plants, a minature red rose bush, and a purple plant.  I have no idea what the name of it is but it is purple so you know I love it. 

Today the sun is shining and you would think it was summer for as warm as it is.  Without a doubt, I plan on going to the ocean which is only a few blocks from my home.  Hopefully, I remember to bring bread to feed the seagulls.  Last time I forgot and the birds seemed quite annoyed with me.  They can be quite unforgiving at times.

Thanks to PATH (People Assisting The Homeless), I continue my journey on a new path.  It has taken dozens, maybe hundreds, of people to help me regroup after being homeless, jobless and recovering from open heart surgery.  For all those of you who have helped or have prayed for me, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.  I have no idea what path God plans for me in the future.  However, God has given me a taste of heaven here in Santa Barbara.

Peace, Love and Joy to you and yours!

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