Monday, February 18, 2013

Letters to God

If you have not seen the movie, "Letters to God", it is a Must see.  Based on a true story, you learn of a seven year old boy who struggles for his life as he is dying from Cancer.  Tyler has incredible faith in God and mails God a letter on a daily basis.  Do not want to tell you anymore, lest I ruin it for you.

Tyler and his life is an inspiration to me.  Today my letter to God would read:

"Dear God,

Thank you for the lesson that I have learned from Tyler.  Please help me to renew that child-like faith in you like I once had.  Forgive me for all the times that I spent complaining instead of thanking you for how truly blessed I am.  With the time I have left, help me to keep the communication lines open with you by writing my own "Letters to God".

I love you~

John Thomas"

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