Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday.  Forty days until Easter.

This year for Lent I am giving something up that I would never imagine possible.  For the next forty days, I am going to give up chocolate.  Insane, right?  Usually I give up brussel sprouts or kimche, (Korean rotten cabbage).  However, this year, I wish to show extra gratitude to God for ending my homelessness.  For me, there are five food groups and my main one is chocolate.  This will take extreme discipline on my part to make this forty day journey.  It will be a special time of prayer and fasting for me.

What I thought would be a very positive thing to do would be to do daily acts of kindness.  Although this is something that should already be taking place, I must admit I have fallen short.  This is an example of what fulfilling the great commandment would look like.

Love God.  Love Others.

May you have a Blessed Lenten Season!

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