Thursday, February 14, 2013

I Don't Know How to Love Him

There was a time when I thought I wanted to be a monk.  Truth be told.  I will really be much happier as a hermit.  A hermit is a person living in solitude as a religious discipline.  Another definition is any person living in solitude or seeking to do so.  This suits me fine.

Yesterday instead of going to church, I decided to invite Jesus Christ over for dinner.  He accepted.  Dinner was simple.  We had vegetable eggrolls for an appetizer.  I made a salad of mixed greens and chopped tomatoes with a Catalina dressing.  On top I sprinkled the most beautiful blackberries.  They were so juicy and sweet.  For dinner, I made the best bacon, lettuce and tomatoe sandwiches.  I know what you are thinnking.  "You served Jesus, bacon?"  Right?  That was all I had in the refrigerator.  Thinking that if I served water in huge wine glasses, Jesus might change it into wine.  It was Ash Wednesday.  Well, it remained water.  For dessert, we had passion fruit sorbet.  Delicious!

We talked.  Well, I talked mostly.  Jesus listened.  Told Jesus my plans for the Lenten season.  No chocolate.  Doing daily acts of kindness.  However, the most time was spent on "I don't know how to love Him.  What to do?  How to please Him."  Jesus knew how I bounced back and forth with my sexuality.  We agreed that what I need to do is to stop riding that rollercoaster ride.  What would please Him was if I honored my vow to remain single for His purposes.

I asked Jesus Christ if He would be my Valentine?

He opened his arms and said "Yes,"

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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