Sunday, July 31, 2011

Making the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi MY Own

Dear Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love,

where there is injury, pardon,

where there is doubt, faith,

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light:

and where there is sadness,  JOY.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love,

for it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning, that we are pardoned,

it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Oh Lord, hear OUR prayer!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Do Your Acts of Kindness in Secret

I am SO sorry that I have not been writing as much as usual.

In Matthew, Jesus tells us to do our acts of kindness in secret.

Please forgive me while this right hand does not tell you what the left hand is doing.

Trust me that Random Acts of Kindness now defines me as who I am!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Clyde Update

Clyde is a widower.  His wife died trying to pass the twelve eggs that they were expecting.

I wonder which is worse?  To have loved and lost or to have never loved at all.

I wish I could speak bearded dragon.

In the meantime, I shall just hold Clyde close to my heart.

If that were to happen to me, I would want someone to hold me for a very long time!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Elizabeth Taylor is a legend in the entertainment business.  She was the first female actress to be paid a million dollars for a film.  Remember Cleopatra?  Her life has ended here on earth.  Yet her legacy is that she left her mansion in Beverly Hills as a foundation and a home for alcohol and drug rehab.

The Kodak Theatre is the home of the Academy Awards where all the stars dripping in diamonds and wearing expensive gowns walk the red carpet like our very own version of American Royalty.  Last night I was entertained by the Downtown Project at a free Hollywood concert.

The homeless are treated as modern day lepers in our society.  Yet one of the clients named Kenny wrote one of the most touching pieces of literature I have ever read.  Like Thomas Aquinas, after reading Kenny's work, I feel that it might be best for me to set down my pen and/or step away from the laptop.

As I volunteered with an artist named Chris, I was moved to tears when I saw his life sized painting of one of his homeless friends named Wrigley.  Instead of being treated as a leper, Wrigley was painted in love, with compassion, and now is an incredible work of art.

"He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it.  He will be faithful to complete it.  He who started a good work will be faithful to complete it in me!:

Monday, July 25, 2011

Walking on the Straight and Narrow PATH

All is well in my Universe!

I live in a new world now.  A world that is governed by random acts of kindness.  This is not home but I am merely a visitor on a planet which is spiraling down to the pits of depravity on an elevator headed straight to hell.  My home is in heaven with Jesus Christ who is the creator of the entire universe.  As a child of God and a friend of Jesus Christ, I now find myself walking on the straight and narrow path.

"I have been been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me!"

Tomorrow I will drive my tenants, Frick and Frack to PATH.  Hopefully, if they are the first 10 people in line, they will have jumped through all the hoops necessary to be able to live in this temporary shelter.
I pray and hope that the People Assisting The Homeless (PATH) will end their (what seems to be eternal) life of living on the streets.

My friend Albert and his daughter, Kimberly started their first week at Food on Foot.  Next Sunday will be my ninth week in the program.  Hopefully,  I continue to be on the fast track to starting a full time job in a couple of weeks and getting my new apartment shortly after.  Albert is going to volunteer at the Food Pantry with me.  God is blessing Albert's life in a powerful and amazing way.  He has been reunited with his daughter as they start life out together sober.  His ex-wife is a member of The Church of the Blessed Sacrament!  Although she is remarried, she is able to restore a friendship that unites and ties their family in a new bond of love.

When the disciples came to Jesus when he walked this earth over two thousand years ago, they told Jesus,  "Your mother and brothers are here to see you."

Jesus said, "Who is my mother?  Who is my brother?  I tell you the truth, whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my mother, brother and sister."

Now I tell YOU the truth.  I now live with my mother and brothers and sisters as my purpose and meaning in life has changed it's focus from me to one which tries to be selfless as I try to listen to the Shepherd and feed and tend to His sheep.

"Do you love me?"  Jesus asks me.

"Yes, Lord, I do."

"Then feed my sheep."  says The Word of God.

"Lord, Tyrone, and Albert and Rosa and I and my brothers and sisters volunteer at the Food Pantry."

"Do you love me?"  Jesus asks again.

"Yes, Lord, I do."

"Then tend to my sheep."   My Savior instructs.

"Lord, My bothers and sisters and I help feed the hungry, give the thirsty something to drink, clothe the naked, tend to those who have been in prison, and invite strangers into Social Services, and yes, we even try to help the homeless find new homes."

"Do you love me?"  Jesus asks me the third time.

"Yes Lord, YOU know that I do."  Tears of JOY well up in my eyes and flood from the depths of my soul.

"Then love my lambs."  Jesus pleads.

It is now JOY and an honor to be commissioned by God to love his lambs.

AND YET my heart writhes in pain as I wander on this path as to what is to become with all the goats.  It has become easy to love God's lambs.  But I wonder how am I to reach out to the goats?


And where am I to get this LOVE?

There is ONLY one answer to that question!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Frick and Frack's Week at the Saban

Today was the fifth day that Frick and Frack were told to come to the Saban Clinic.

They were instructed to be there at 8:00 am even though the doctors do not arrive until 9:00 am.

There was an emergency and then an office meeting (staff birthday party)

Long story, short.  Frack got his test results at 2:30 pm.

PATH is closed on the weekend.

Frick and Frck will have to wait until Monday to see if they qualify to stay at PATH.

These two kids will have spent another week, on the streets or in my car, homeless.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Day from Hell Meets The Night from Heaven

I had the day from hell today.  I will spare you the details.

However, I had the night from heaven.

I was at the right place at the right time!

Today I filmed five Public Service Announcements.  (PSA)

One for MTV Pakistan

Another for MTV Africa

Another for MTV England

One for Power of Green

and the fifth for the Food Pantry at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament.

I was almost the talent who interviewed the Hip Hop Star BIG BAD 40.

This could ONLY happen in Hollywood!


I am filming again today!

Please wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Frick and Frack

Frick and Frack are two homeless men who are presently living in my car.

I will tell you their names when they give me permission to be primary case studies for the documentary, Project Homeless.  For more information, please check

Here is their day today.

We woke up at 6:00 am.

We walked to Social Services and arrived at 7:00 am.

They waited 3 and 1/2 hours to see a case worker.

Frack had a meeting at 11:00 am so they were unable to eat lunch as they had to run to their next meeting.  Social Services referred them to two other organizations.

Frick had a doctor's appointment at 1:00 pm which Frack joined and waited after he completed his meeting.  Frick was getting his TB test in order to be able to qualify to stay at a shelter.

Frick and Frack waited until 5:00 pm to get a two minute TB test.  Frick will need to return in three days to get the results.  Without the results, they are unable to stay at the shelter.  Frack will have to come back tomorrow as he was not in the age group being seen today.

Frick and Frack then took the bus to the Village to use the computer center.  They open at 6:00 pm.  They each are allowed to use the computer for one hour each.  They had to wait until 8:00 pm to get on the computer.  The computer center closes at 9:00 pm.

They waited for buses and met me at the car at 10:00 pm.

We talked until 11:00 pm.  They found out that sleeping in the car is illegal also.  It is called vagrancy by the LAPD.  However, since they were almost ticketed and arrested for sleeping in the park, they will take their chances in my car.

Frick and Frack need to be at the Saban Free Clinic at 7:00 am to start their day out again.

Pleasant Dreams Frick and Frack!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Clyde Update

Clyde is married now.  Clyde and his wife are expecting as she has laid twelve eggs.

Maybe God misunderstood I needed 12 disciples for the homeless ministry not 12 dragons.

Nonetheless, I am elated.  I am going to be a grandfather!

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness has changed the way I live my life!

As I was walking to church to volunteer at Social Services, I ran into my boss from Food on Foot.  He had forgotten his belt and asked me if I had an extra belt in my back pack.  Although I did not have an extra belt, I did give him the one I was wearing.  With all the weight I have been gaining, I no longer need a belt to hold my shorts up.

When I was serving lunch at my catholic church to the homeless, I had a long conversation with some of the volunteers God had sent from Washington State.  One of my new friends Jonathon is a pastor at the Presyberterian church in his city.  How wonderful it was to let him know that I had been defending his faith to a member of the Disciples of Christ.  Jonathon gave me the cliff note version of his faith and it seems that I was right on from my discussion with another who opposed his church.  The coolest connection is that Jonathon and I both went to Fuller Seminary in Pasadena.  His son and I both were in the Air Force and we both were in the musical, Bye Bye Birdie when we were in high school.  How Calvinistic that we were predestined to meet here?

The clothes closet was closed but I was happy to give a homeless person a shirt which I did have in my back pack.

As I walked past the First Baptist church, I informed a homeless man that the LAPD give tickets for loitering on this church property.  Their church doors are locked and there steps are off limits.  The homeless man thanked me as he saw a mounted policeman coming riding on a horse while he looked over my shoulder.  I told him that I had his back.

Another random act of kindness was that I gave another homeless man who seemed to be starving a bag of chips that I intended to have for a snack with salsa later this evening.  Like I said earlier, the fact that I no longer need a belt could be a good sign that I might not need those chips.

The reason I am here at the library is because I came here to meet two friends who I am going to let live in my car.  They have been hassled by the police lately and since I am sleeping on a floor, I am happy to share my former home/car with my friends.

Random Acts of Kindness has changed my life!

Food on Foot - Week 7

Today was the best day of the year for me!

Did number 7 hit on the roulette wheel and I had a hundred dollar bet?  That would have been nice but that would merely be a shadow of the happiness that happened for me today.

Did I win the Pulitzer Prize or an Oscar?  Even that would not bring the JOY that I experienced on this hot Sunday in July.

Jay announced that I was the first place winner at Food on Foot!

I am absolutely elated!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

God Works in Strange and Mysterious Ways

God works in strange and mysterious ways!

While volunteering at the food pantry, someone asked me if I would like to work on a public service announcement.  Having nothing better to do, I agree.  Tyrone has worked at the food pantry for over sixteen years.  He actually said, "God has sent you here for a purpose!"  Coming from a Christian, I would expect someone to say that.  The irony is Tyrone is not a Christian.  He volunteers at the food pantry because he says "it is the right thing to do".  Often when a disgruntled homeless person screams obscenities and tells Tyrone to "Go to hell!"  Tyrone simply says, "I'll see you there."

Here I am.  A homeless and jobless person in Hollywood.  Last night, I was working with some of the top names of Hip Hop in the music industry.  Here is a picture of me with Bevry.

Here I am working on the PSA with Bevry and Emron who is the host of MTV in Pakistan.
It was so cool to be so up front and personal with each of them.  I actually was able to have a personal conversation with Bevry and Emron.

No longer am I going to say that I am jobless.  First, I am a volunteer at Social Services and the Food Pantry at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament.  I have applied for the position of Director of Operations at Food on Foot which is where I currently work.  Besides that, I am an oblate, a writer, a director and producer.  There is plenty of work for me to do.  Somehow God needs to find a way for me to get paid.

My primary purpose and mission in life is to help house the homeless.  Tyrone is my inspiration.  Technically, Tyrone is a homeless person.  For sixteen years, he has lived in the food pantry.  For sixteen years, Tyrone has volunteered at the Food Pantry.  He does not get paid.  For sixteen years, Tyrone has lived without money.

No longer am I going to say that I am a homeless person.  Sue Anderson Molenda, Lisa, Melinda and Renee have been kind enough to invite me into their home.  Sleeping on the floor behind the sofa is much more attractive to me than sleeping in a food pantry.

However, I am thrilled to report that my church has unlocked their doors to allow the homeless to take refuge.  Now if only God will send me those twelve disciples to open the church doors further to inviting more of the homeless into the House of God.  Maybe God will never send me those twelve helpers.  Maybe God is waiting for me to be like Jesus and find them myself.

Like I said, God does work in strange and mysterious ways!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Taking a gamble and lost

Today I had to make a decision.  Do I drive my car to the appointment or take public transportation?

There is almost no free parking in Hollywood.

I took a gamble on public transportation and lost.

It took me over three hours to get to my appointment.  Although it only took me two and half hours on the return, I ended up being late for the Food Pantry.  If Food on Foot finds out about this, they might kick  me out of their program.

Thank God Tyrone was very cool about the matter.  Next time, I will be sure to have Tyrone's phone number to call and inform him that I might be late.

Better yet, I just will not allow this incident to happen again!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What would Paradise look like to you?

Remember the movie, What Dreams May Come?

What would Paradise look like to you?

Please describe in detail what your Paradise would look like.
Please type your thoughts in the comment section of this blog.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Absolutely Ridiculous!

Today 11 homeless, some of them are my friends, were given tickets by the LAPD for sitting on the sidewalk waiting for dinner at the food line on Sycamore and Romaine in Hollywood.  Not one of these individuals will pay for this ticket as they will all go to free legal services at Social Service centers.  The pro bono lawyers will have to go before the judge and explain to him that the homeless have NO money to pay these ridiculous fines.  Thus, creating more of a strain on our legal system.

What is wrong with our society today?

This is Absolutely Ridiculous!

Back to the Drawing Board

They moved all the priests out of my church!  "Perfect!" I thought God had given me an entire floor of a building to house the homeless.  "Not so quickly sailor!"  The entire floor is being converted to administrative offices.

God sent ten volunteers to help us at Social Services and eight volunteers to help us at the Food Pantry today.  I am going to trust that God will send me a dozen volunteers to help house the homeless.

But for the time being I have to go back to the drawing board.  My bigger problem is where am I going to invite the homeless to sleep?  Do you see the picture above?  This one bedroom being advertised is on the low end of Hollywood housing.  If someone is even able to find a full time job at minimum wage.  His total earnings for the month is $1200.00 before taxes.  There will be more homeless soon as most companies are cutting 40 hour/week jobs to 32, 32 hours/week to 24, and 24 hour/week to 16.

"Dear God,  Those 310 empty pews are looking better every day at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament.  What do you think about us inviting the homeless to stay in your house?  The House of God.  Please get back with me and open the doors to make it happen or help me find another option.
Your servant and friend, John Thomas"

Monday, July 11, 2011

Napa Youth Group Visits Social Services

God is listening to my prayers!  Today I worked for God for six hours at Social Services.  God sent the Napa Youth Group to help us feed, care and clothe the homeless and the poor at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament.  Now I just need to build and wait for God to send me a dozen disciples to help me provide overnight housing for the homeless.

Oh Lord, hear my prayer!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Consider It Pure Joy

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials and temptations of many kinds.  Because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you be mature and complete, not lacking anything.....

How funny that I had a conversation with Jeff today that Martin Luther threw the book of James out of the Bible but then reconsidered and put it back in.

God has been testing me to see if I really trust him.  I REALLY do.

No longer am I homeless.  Sue Anderson Molenda and her three daughters have been so kind to allow me to sleep on their living room floor until I can get back on my feet again.

No longer am I jobless.  I completed my sixth week at Food on Foot.  FOF is a work for food program that helps the homeless and unemployed  return to the market place.  Today I won fourth place as being one of the best workers for the week.  In our training sessions, I have been working on overcoming my fear of public speaking.  My homework assignment was to turn in a resume before next Sunday.  I am actually being considered for the Director of Operations position at Food on Foot.  After not writing a resume for over twenty years, I am happy to report that I have completed my assignment already.

My first short film has prompted some professionals to invite me to be part of their public service announcement for the Power of Green.  They waited for me to complete work at Food on Foot before starting filming.  We resume filming on Tuesday.

I am finding my place to serve at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament.  I volunteer at the Food Pantry and Social Services.  Instead of being one of the homeless, I am now a volunteer.

My car is parked safe and sound on Selma.  The road I usually park on is under construction for the next two days.  The nice old man with the cute little dog, his friend and two of my friends helped me get my car started.  Did not even have to call Triple AAA.  My friends said they would push the car if they had too.  The only thing that was the matter was a loose cable connected to the battery.  A good thing because parking in the church parking lot over night is not an option.  Even Tyrone who has worked for the church for 16 years got his car towed for parking overnight.  (Still need to work on the locked church and the forbidden overnight parking lot)



Saturday, July 9, 2011

Having a JOB day

Remember the story about JOB in the Bible?

I feel like I am having one of those days!

After adjusting to being jobless and homeless, my car breaks down after just paying $175.00 to have the car tuned up.  Seeing the mechanic switching batteries right after fixing my car, leads me to believe that maybe he switched my brand new battery with an old one of his.

Today I worked at the food pantry and more people complained about what I gave them rather than being thankful for what we did give them.

When I was at the food line this afternoon, one of my friends got beat up by a drug dealer because of some disagreement.  The security patrol defended the actions of the drug dealer.

Another one of my friend's Jack got punched in the face over this conversation.

"Get out of my way nig@#@."  Some guy from a gang demands.

"Excuse me, what did you say?"  Jack asks bewildered.

The guy from the gang punches Jack in the face.
The security patrol tells Jack to move along.  The gang member struts in the middle of the street.

Walking back to my broken car, I notice that the police have posted a temporary tow away zone for this Monday and Tuesday.  Having a broken car is one thing but the possibility that all I own is in that car and having it impounded is a little overwhelming.  My main concern is Clyde.

First, I had to adjust to Baby flying away to join a flock of parrots.  Little Donnie left on a quest to find Baby.  Now I had to call some strangers and ask them to be the foster parents to Clyde.  As many foster parents, their first concern was about the money that I would give them to care for my pet who had become like a child to me; much as most dogs are to their owners.

My little family of four has turned into a family of one.  Just me.  All alone again.  Although the lesson that I have learned is that I would have never been able to be a good husband and father, I am drowning in a flood of emotion that comes with a broken heart.  Love seems to continue to elude me.  I loved Baby.  I loved Donnie.   I loved Clyde.

Now they are all gone.

The moral of the story is that I must continue to trust, love and serve God.

"Although God slay me, yet will I hope in Him;  I will argue my ways to his face."

"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him..."

Friday, July 8, 2011

My First Day at Social Services

I was overwrought with emotion on my first day at Social Services.

Today I volunteered in the kitchen and prepared lunch for all our "clients".

My first job was when I was fourteen years old at Dog 'n' Suds.  My job was making the coney dogs.  Almost forty years later, God would use that job and that training so I would know how to make the chili cheese dogs with or without onions.  Just like I did way back then.

Starting life over with a brand new beginning.  This time for God's purpose and glory.

"If I could turn back time..."

Happy Belated Fourth of July

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Food on Foot - Week 5

"If a man shall not work, he shall not eat."

Thus being said, I decided to volunteer/work at the Food Pantry three days a week.
On Tuesday and Thursday,  I work from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  On Saturday, from 8am to noon.

"It is better to give than to receive."

Thus being said, I decided to volunteer/work at Social Services three days a week.
I work from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm  on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

In an effort to show that I am willing and wanting to get back into the market place,
I also work at Food on Foot from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday.

The Director of Operations position is open at Food on Foot.
My hope and dream is that I can be hired at Food on Foot as the Director of Operations for twenty hours a week and also be the FOF liaison at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament for 24 hours.

Again, I pray God opens or closes this door!  May God's will be done, NOT mine.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


A New Opportunity seems to have presented itself to me!

Maybe the solution to the homeless is inside the walls of The Church of the Blessed Sacrament.

Do you see my dilemna?  Let me give you a hint..

Remember when you were a little kid and you folded your hands with your fingers on top of your knuckles?  Then we would say with our hands folded.  "Here's the church?"

"Here's the steeple."  and we would point our pinkies to the sky.

"Open the doors."  and we would look in between our thumbs as we opened the double doors.

"Where are the people?" 

Sometimes, my church is only open for one hour of the twenty four hours in a day.  As catholics, we have the joy, honor and gift of being able to celebrate the Eucharist on a daily basis.  You are looking at 300 empty pews.  The twenty or thirty of us who come to mass sit in the 10 pews in the chapel area.

Where am I going to find the volunteers to help me provide shelter for the homeless if in fact, the church is the solution to end homelessness.  I found the perfect spot.  Now I need to build a team of volunteers.
Jesus had twelve disciples for his ministry.  I think twelve volunteers will be the perfect number to start this ministry.  Here is a list of the twelve positions God needs to fill.

1.)  A Righteous Man

2.)  A Prayer Warrior

3.)  A Person with the gift of helps

4.)  A Person with the gift of healing

5.)  A Samson ( A Bouncer)

6.)  A Person with the gift of Administration

7.)  A Person with the gift of Leadership

8.)  A Person with the gift of Hospitality

9.)  A Person with the gift of Mercy

10.)  A Person with the Gift of Giving

11.)  YOU

12.)  To Be Announced

Oh Lord, hear my prayer.  You sent the animals to the ark before the flood.  Now I implore you to send me these twelve people to help me get this ministry started.

Now fold your hands with your fingers under your knuckles and repeat after me.

"We are the church."

"Here is our steeple."  Point your pinkies to the heavens.

"Open the door."  Fold your thumbs back.

"And HERE are the people!"  Now wiggle your fingers.

I was at the Crystal Cathedral years ago, when Robert Schuller asked Mother Teresa what she needed from his church and from him.  Robert Schuller was referring to money, blankets, medical supplies, etc as at the time the church was one of the most prosperous churches in America.  Mother Teresa never said a word.  She quietly held Robert Schuller's hands and looked him in the eye.  Robert Schuller for one of the first times ever was speechless.

Robert Schuller never went to India with Mother Teresa.  Neither did I.

The Crystal Cathedral is now in bankruptcy.

Now I do not need to go to India, there is plenty of work for me here in California.

Like Robert Schuller said, "Bloom where you are planted!"  I intend too.

The question is "Will YOU help me?"

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wrestling With God

     When I arrived at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament this morning for mass, I found the the doors were locked.  It is the hottest day of the year and I saw several elderly panting patiently as they waited for the doors of the church to be opened.  Usually the hairs on the back of my neck would stand straight up as I would get angry that my brothers and sisters were not being allowed into the House of God.

     "Ask."  I felt I heard the Lord say to me.  A moment of Divine revelation seemed to overcome me like one would cover a child with a blanket on a cold winter night.

     "Seek."  God continued to speak to the inner recesses of my soul.  I knew exactly what to do.  Mary be sitting at the foot of Jesus but Martha, the church receptionist, has the keys to this kingdom.

     "Knock."  says the Lord.

    "Buzz!"  I chuckled as we live in the year 2011 AD in an electronic state of security.  When Martha buzzed me in, I explained the situation of the locked church.  Martha thanked me for reminding her as it had been a very busy morning after returning from the holiday weekend.

     In the catholic church, there is a gift called the gift of tears.  As tears of JOY ran down my cheeks from a flood of emotion from the depth of my being the solution to homelessness seems to be three steps away.  I need to Ask, Seek, and Knock.  Even Buzz if I need too.

      Martha opened the door for my brothers and sisters to be able to attend mass.  The first scripture reading was from Genesis Chapter 32 where Jacob wrestles with God.  He would stop wrestling until the Angel of the Lord gave him a blessing.  This wrestling match caused Jacob to walk with a limp for the rest of his life.  "How odd"  I thought.  I walk with the same limp in my left leg.  Jacob's name was changed from Jacob to Israel.  "How peculiar"  My name has been changed to my catholic confirmation name, John Thomas.

      The gospel was from Matthew where Jesus casts a demon out of a man .and where Jesus tells the disciples that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  If I am going to ask the church to open the doors for the homeless, I need to build teams of volunteers for this insanity of mine to become a reality.  This is only going to work if it is organized and done in an orderly fashion.

     When I was taking a picture of the empty house of God, I stumbled into a statue of St. Francis.  Who better to ask to intercede with me in prayer for the poor and the homeless.

     Jesus is the answer.  My new theology is read the Red and pray for the power.

     The priest ended mass today with, "Let's wrestle with God and let him win."

     Now let's go out to love and serve the Lord!


For the first time in my life,  I REALLY understood and embraced the gift we Americans have in this country!


May everyone take a moment and thank God that we also have FREEDOM in Christ!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Divine Moment With God

Rule # 1 about Divine Moments With God

Never Ever try to explain them to others.  Words can not articulate the intensity of emotion, peace and grace when one is touched by the presence of God.

Today was the 800th consecutive Sunday of Food on Foot.  Two of my friends were going to start their first week of the program.  Knowing that the positions are filled quickly, I told Nathan and Jeremy that I would meet them at 10:00 am at the gates.  The official time is before 11:00 am.  However, since they only have six positions available for first timers, I thought it would be a good idea if we got there one hour before.  Nathan said that he did not want to come all the way from the city of Los Angeles and not get in.  He suggested that we meet at 9:00 am,  Now I do not have to be there until 11:45 am, but I was willing to meet them at 9:00 am.  This would mean that I would need to miss Mass and my free breakfast at the Farmer's Market by eating all the samples that the vendors put out for the prospective clients.  For many homeless, it becomes a food frenzy.

You would not believe my shock to get there to find out that Edwin and his friends had brought eight prospective first timers at 8:00 am.  The early bird gets the worm and that worm's name is Edwin.  Nathan and Jeremy wait for another hour only to find that they were Really only taking six first timers this Sunday.  They were very understanding and said that they would meet me for dinner at Tomaine at Romaine.  I was still a little sick to my (empty) stomach.

For several days I had been practicing my joke about the two little boys.  One being negative and the other always positive.  The choice was mine which on would I be.  I chose to be positive.  Long story short.  (I know. Too late)  I won the second prize for being the best employee of the week.  Instead of making only ten dollars today, I walked away with cash and prizes of over sixty dollars.

A new friend from Food on Foot named Hans suggested we go to mass.  The Church of the Blessed Sacrament has a 5:30 pm mass on Sunday.  Our work day ended at 5:00 pm.  What perfect timing.  Thanks God.

Mass is Incredible.  I feel a deep inner connection and presence of Jesus.  Then we sing the song written by Sy Miller and JILL JACKSON.  Although it was not the same Jill Jackson that Donnie had fallen in love with in 1972,  I feel that now I know where Donnie went.  When Baby flew away that one day, I failed to tell you that Donnie flew away in search of his precious loved bird.  Now I have total charge of Donnie's old body and I am a new creation named John Thomas.  Please sing this song with me:

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father, brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother, in perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now,
with every step I take, let this be my solemn vow,
To Take Each Moment,
And Live Each Moment,
In Peace Eternally.....

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!

Like I said, Refer back to Rule #1.  At least I tried.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Meet My New Friend Duncan

I would like to introduce you to my new friend Duncan.

When Duncan was five years old, his father started bringing him to the local tavern.  The mother was working so this was the best way that the father could babysit and be able to drink with his friends.
When it was time for Duncan to go to sleep, he added a shot of whiskey to his bottle of water.  Duncan literally slept like a baby.  The father was free to drink with his friends.

Today Duncan has been in and out of detention centers for four years.  At the age of nineteen, he has been arrested and put in jail three times for public intoxication.  When I met him for the first time, I was afraid that the police would arrest me for being a child pedophile as I walked him over to the Social Service center at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament.

Although Duncan was starving, all he cared about was getting food for his pet Dog and pet chicken.  It reminded me of how Donnie was only concerned about Baby and Clyde.  Even as I write to you now, I just became aware of why I had become so fond of Duncan.

Dear God, how do you want me to help this poor lost little soul?  This poor child started drinking at the age of five.  Now he is an alcoholic.  Is jail and being homeless the only life you have in store for him?  Please ask Wisdom, herself, to teach me how to love and help this precious child of Yours!  Your willing servant and friend, John Thomas.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Bad News For the Homeless



The Santa Monica Police are kicking all of the homeless out of their city.
They are actually telling them to go to east to Hollywood or go south to Venice Beach.
You do not have to go home(less) but you can't stay here.

This is putting a lot of stress on the overcrowded homeless situation in two cities
primarily known for tourism, especially in the summer.  Filming is on hiatus!

Today my friend Sal was just let out of prison after six days for public intoxication.  My friend Isaiah looked like another black guy who held up a marijuana store and was held all day under falsely accused charges (You know how all black people look the same according to this white officer)  Another friend Steve was arrested for public intoxication.  We still do not know when his release will be.  Definitely after the holiday weekend.  (At least he is not homeless, right?)  Another homeless man was arrested for theft of a shopping cart ( easy remedy is to rent the cart for him from a homeless friendly store)  He will be able to pay the fine by recycling and will avoid prison time.  Another homeless man I know was arrested and taken away.  Not sure for what.  My friend Peter had to collect all his things and save them with his stuff.  He is using a shopping cart that has a documented rental agreement.

My paperwork was finally officially approved for me to volunteer at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament.  This church is going to be ground zero and home base for my documentary.

Thought I found a place to live for $400.00 a month.  I thought I would be renting a small room in a home in East Hollywood (Margaritaville).  Turns out that it was a small room with two sets of bunk beds and a single bed, a dresser and a linen size closet.  Each of the five tenants would each pay $400.00 for a total of $2000.00 dollars for a 12 ft by 12 ft room.  A total of eleven guys living in one two bedroom house with one bathroom.  Sardines in a can have more room than we did.

My question is why does this man NOT get arrested for stealing from the homeless and the poor?

Gotta love Capitalism and the death of the American Dream.
For a moment, I thought that I would be living in a house with a garden and a front porch.
Maybe I should just wait for that mansion in the sky that Jesus is preparing for me!

A Purple Tree Day

What better way to start the month of July with than with a purple tree!

May everyone have a Happy Purple Tree Day!