Saturday, July 16, 2011

God Works in Strange and Mysterious Ways

God works in strange and mysterious ways!

While volunteering at the food pantry, someone asked me if I would like to work on a public service announcement.  Having nothing better to do, I agree.  Tyrone has worked at the food pantry for over sixteen years.  He actually said, "God has sent you here for a purpose!"  Coming from a Christian, I would expect someone to say that.  The irony is Tyrone is not a Christian.  He volunteers at the food pantry because he says "it is the right thing to do".  Often when a disgruntled homeless person screams obscenities and tells Tyrone to "Go to hell!"  Tyrone simply says, "I'll see you there."

Here I am.  A homeless and jobless person in Hollywood.  Last night, I was working with some of the top names of Hip Hop in the music industry.  Here is a picture of me with Bevry.

Here I am working on the PSA with Bevry and Emron who is the host of MTV in Pakistan.
It was so cool to be so up front and personal with each of them.  I actually was able to have a personal conversation with Bevry and Emron.

No longer am I going to say that I am jobless.  First, I am a volunteer at Social Services and the Food Pantry at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament.  I have applied for the position of Director of Operations at Food on Foot which is where I currently work.  Besides that, I am an oblate, a writer, a director and producer.  There is plenty of work for me to do.  Somehow God needs to find a way for me to get paid.

My primary purpose and mission in life is to help house the homeless.  Tyrone is my inspiration.  Technically, Tyrone is a homeless person.  For sixteen years, he has lived in the food pantry.  For sixteen years, Tyrone has volunteered at the Food Pantry.  He does not get paid.  For sixteen years, Tyrone has lived without money.

No longer am I going to say that I am a homeless person.  Sue Anderson Molenda, Lisa, Melinda and Renee have been kind enough to invite me into their home.  Sleeping on the floor behind the sofa is much more attractive to me than sleeping in a food pantry.

However, I am thrilled to report that my church has unlocked their doors to allow the homeless to take refuge.  Now if only God will send me those twelve disciples to open the church doors further to inviting more of the homeless into the House of God.  Maybe God will never send me those twelve helpers.  Maybe God is waiting for me to be like Jesus and find them myself.

Like I said, God does work in strange and mysterious ways!

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