Monday, July 18, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness has changed the way I live my life!

As I was walking to church to volunteer at Social Services, I ran into my boss from Food on Foot.  He had forgotten his belt and asked me if I had an extra belt in my back pack.  Although I did not have an extra belt, I did give him the one I was wearing.  With all the weight I have been gaining, I no longer need a belt to hold my shorts up.

When I was serving lunch at my catholic church to the homeless, I had a long conversation with some of the volunteers God had sent from Washington State.  One of my new friends Jonathon is a pastor at the Presyberterian church in his city.  How wonderful it was to let him know that I had been defending his faith to a member of the Disciples of Christ.  Jonathon gave me the cliff note version of his faith and it seems that I was right on from my discussion with another who opposed his church.  The coolest connection is that Jonathon and I both went to Fuller Seminary in Pasadena.  His son and I both were in the Air Force and we both were in the musical, Bye Bye Birdie when we were in high school.  How Calvinistic that we were predestined to meet here?

The clothes closet was closed but I was happy to give a homeless person a shirt which I did have in my back pack.

As I walked past the First Baptist church, I informed a homeless man that the LAPD give tickets for loitering on this church property.  Their church doors are locked and there steps are off limits.  The homeless man thanked me as he saw a mounted policeman coming riding on a horse while he looked over my shoulder.  I told him that I had his back.

Another random act of kindness was that I gave another homeless man who seemed to be starving a bag of chips that I intended to have for a snack with salsa later this evening.  Like I said earlier, the fact that I no longer need a belt could be a good sign that I might not need those chips.

The reason I am here at the library is because I came here to meet two friends who I am going to let live in my car.  They have been hassled by the police lately and since I am sleeping on a floor, I am happy to share my former home/car with my friends.

Random Acts of Kindness has changed my life!

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