Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Back to the Drawing Board

They moved all the priests out of my church!  "Perfect!" I thought God had given me an entire floor of a building to house the homeless.  "Not so quickly sailor!"  The entire floor is being converted to administrative offices.

God sent ten volunteers to help us at Social Services and eight volunteers to help us at the Food Pantry today.  I am going to trust that God will send me a dozen volunteers to help house the homeless.

But for the time being I have to go back to the drawing board.  My bigger problem is where am I going to invite the homeless to sleep?  Do you see the picture above?  This one bedroom being advertised is on the low end of Hollywood housing.  If someone is even able to find a full time job at minimum wage.  His total earnings for the month is $1200.00 before taxes.  There will be more homeless soon as most companies are cutting 40 hour/week jobs to 32, 32 hours/week to 24, and 24 hour/week to 16.

"Dear God,  Those 310 empty pews are looking better every day at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament.  What do you think about us inviting the homeless to stay in your house?  The House of God.  Please get back with me and open the doors to make it happen or help me find another option.
Your servant and friend, John Thomas"

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