Saturday, July 9, 2011

Having a JOB day

Remember the story about JOB in the Bible?

I feel like I am having one of those days!

After adjusting to being jobless and homeless, my car breaks down after just paying $175.00 to have the car tuned up.  Seeing the mechanic switching batteries right after fixing my car, leads me to believe that maybe he switched my brand new battery with an old one of his.

Today I worked at the food pantry and more people complained about what I gave them rather than being thankful for what we did give them.

When I was at the food line this afternoon, one of my friends got beat up by a drug dealer because of some disagreement.  The security patrol defended the actions of the drug dealer.

Another one of my friend's Jack got punched in the face over this conversation.

"Get out of my way nig@#@."  Some guy from a gang demands.

"Excuse me, what did you say?"  Jack asks bewildered.

The guy from the gang punches Jack in the face.
The security patrol tells Jack to move along.  The gang member struts in the middle of the street.

Walking back to my broken car, I notice that the police have posted a temporary tow away zone for this Monday and Tuesday.  Having a broken car is one thing but the possibility that all I own is in that car and having it impounded is a little overwhelming.  My main concern is Clyde.

First, I had to adjust to Baby flying away to join a flock of parrots.  Little Donnie left on a quest to find Baby.  Now I had to call some strangers and ask them to be the foster parents to Clyde.  As many foster parents, their first concern was about the money that I would give them to care for my pet who had become like a child to me; much as most dogs are to their owners.

My little family of four has turned into a family of one.  Just me.  All alone again.  Although the lesson that I have learned is that I would have never been able to be a good husband and father, I am drowning in a flood of emotion that comes with a broken heart.  Love seems to continue to elude me.  I loved Baby.  I loved Donnie.   I loved Clyde.

Now they are all gone.

The moral of the story is that I must continue to trust, love and serve God.

"Although God slay me, yet will I hope in Him;  I will argue my ways to his face."

"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him..."


  1. "Love continues to elude me"

    God sent you love in Illinois, and it tried to get you to stay there - but you choose to reject it.

    California doesn't seem to be being too kind to you, from what you're posting.

  2. Even with you Mike, love eluded me.

    I do believe you loved me.

    I also know the pain that comes from loving someone else and them not loving me. It has happened to me seven times.

    I am, again, sorry for the pain I caused you.

  3. Is anyone else (besides Sue) following what happens to you every day; because they care about you?

  4. Mike? That is a GREAT question. There are over 100 people who check this silly little blog on a regular basis. However, they are internet friends and friends like you who are out of state. Many times I am stuck in the trap of looking for a traveling companion. Someone to go work out at Bally's with, if I had any money to go scuba diving, continue training in mixed martial arts, play a game of chess with, watch a movie and so on and so on. Although I feel cured from being a homosexual, I do long for a heterosexual guy to "hangout" and listen to God breath at the ocean with.
