Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Frick and Frack

Frick and Frack are two homeless men who are presently living in my car.

I will tell you their names when they give me permission to be primary case studies for the documentary, Project Homeless.  For more information, please check www.projecthomeless.info

Here is their day today.

We woke up at 6:00 am.

We walked to Social Services and arrived at 7:00 am.

They waited 3 and 1/2 hours to see a case worker.

Frack had a meeting at 11:00 am so they were unable to eat lunch as they had to run to their next meeting.  Social Services referred them to two other organizations.

Frick had a doctor's appointment at 1:00 pm which Frack joined and waited after he completed his meeting.  Frick was getting his TB test in order to be able to qualify to stay at a shelter.

Frick and Frack waited until 5:00 pm to get a two minute TB test.  Frick will need to return in three days to get the results.  Without the results, they are unable to stay at the shelter.  Frack will have to come back tomorrow as he was not in the age group being seen today.

Frick and Frack then took the bus to the Village to use the computer center.  They open at 6:00 pm.  They each are allowed to use the computer for one hour each.  They had to wait until 8:00 pm to get on the computer.  The computer center closes at 9:00 pm.

They waited for buses and met me at the car at 10:00 pm.

We talked until 11:00 pm.  They found out that sleeping in the car is illegal also.  It is called vagrancy by the LAPD.  However, since they were almost ticketed and arrested for sleeping in the park, they will take their chances in my car.

Frick and Frack need to be at the Saban Free Clinic at 7:00 am to start their day out again.

Pleasant Dreams Frick and Frack!

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