Thursday, July 14, 2011

Taking a gamble and lost

Today I had to make a decision.  Do I drive my car to the appointment or take public transportation?

There is almost no free parking in Hollywood.

I took a gamble on public transportation and lost.

It took me over three hours to get to my appointment.  Although it only took me two and half hours on the return, I ended up being late for the Food Pantry.  If Food on Foot finds out about this, they might kick  me out of their program.

Thank God Tyrone was very cool about the matter.  Next time, I will be sure to have Tyrone's phone number to call and inform him that I might be late.

Better yet, I just will not allow this incident to happen again!


  1. JT - Isn't there any private property there where you could leave your car, to remove chances of anything happening to it?

  2. No. Not at all. Thanks for asking.
