Friday, January 11, 2013

Brand New Key

One of the things that we are most thankful for is our bicycle.  Santa Barbara is the perfect city for a bike.  With the price of gas so high, it is just to expensive to be driving around in a car all the time.  Besides, biking is a very good way to exercise.  Especially with the holidays behind us, it is the perfect time to get rid of some of the "junk in my trunk" if you know what I mean.

A couple of days ago, Dolly found a bike lock.  She can be a hoarder at times so she picked it up. 

"What are you going to do with that lock, Dolly?"  I asked.

"You never know, maybe tomorrow I will find the key."  Dolly remarked.

Well,  today is the tomorrow that Dolly was talking about.  In a completely different location, we found a set of two keys.  And do you know what?  The key fits the lock.  What is even more remarkable is that we lost the key to our other bike lock and this key fits this lock too.  Now we have two locks and two keys.

When I looked at Dolly, she said with a smile, "I told you!"

Maybe tomorrow, we will find a brand new pair of rollerskates.  Stranger things have happened.

1 comment:

  1. "I've got a brand new pair of roller skates, you've got a brand new key"... can't get that song out of my mind now, thanks so much! LOL! I'm gonna try to call that cellphone that you play games on (Hopefully you'll answer if the number I have is still valid)... I read all your posts, but make one generic reply. I should take notes so that I comment on each one, maybe next time I'll do that. For now, know that I make it priority to check this site every Saturday. 1-4-3,
