Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Gift of Physical Touch as my Love Language

Happy New Year 2013

One of my new year resolutions is to be more thankful.  Each day I post, I am going to "count my blessings, and name them one by one".  After a year, I will be able to look back at a full calendar of   "my favorite things"!

To start the year off, I would be amiss if I did not mention my love language is physical touch.  A friend of mine loaned me his electronic body massage equipment.  What a wonderful way to begin the new year by having the stress and tension massaged out of my body.  While I was tasting a bit of heaven, I was able to contemplate on one of the most incredible men in my life.

Ivan Petrov is one of the best massage therapists in the world if not the best.  Maybe my opinion is a little biased.  His technique and skill are remarkable.  As he works and kneeds out all the tension and stress in my body, he asks me about different areas in my life.  The body records everything.  Ivan knows the negative powers at work and is willing to listen as I release these areas of stress into the universe.  When you look at Ivan, you look at a young, handsome, and muscular individual.  However, when you get to know Ivan, you will see this exterior beauty is paled in comparison to his inner beauty.  If you are ever in Illinois, I recommend you make an appointment with my friend.

As I coninue to contemplate, I imagine Jesus Christ embracing me.  Maybe he already has through my dear friend, Ivan Petrov.

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