Friday, January 25, 2013

Little Red Riding Hood

With each step the boys took, it seemed to get a little darker.  And...A little scarier.  Deeper and deeper the boys walked into the woods.  No one was saying anything at all.  From a distance, you could hear a wolf howling as night began to fall.  The trees looked like they could reach out and grab you.  Obviously, we had seen "The Wizard of Oz" too many times.  However, we were not looking for "The Wizard of Oz", we were looking for Schmendrick, a real wizard.

Suddenly, the boys saw someone walking in the distance.  There was a person with a long red cape and a red hood walking swiftly through the woods.  Quickly the boys began to follow hoping this person would lead them to a village or a safe place to sleep for the evening.  As they continued to follow, they saw a light coming from a cabin.  Were they in the wrong woods?  Were they unknowingly following Little Red Riding Hood to her Grandmother's house? 

Another howl from a wolf was heard.  This time the wolf seemed closer.  Donnie, Bobby and Doug knew what Danny was thinking, "We are all going to be killed by wild beasts."  They were all getting very scared but no one wanted to let the other see them frightened.  The boys picked up the pace in pursuit of the mysterious red hooded cape.

As the boys were in speaking distance, they were stopped dead in their tracks.  A screech like no other they ever heard.


An old woman turned around at the exact same time as the screech.  The screech ended up coming from a big "ole" owl from a twisted oak tree.  We were surprised that the person with the red hooded cape was an old woman.  All four boys thought the person would be a beautiful young girl.

"We thought you were Little Red Riding Hood!"  Doug blurted out.  He could not contain himself.

"The cape tricked you."  said the little old lady.  "It belongs to my Granddaughter.  She left it here the last time she visited.

Her words sent a shiver up Bobby's spine.  We each looked at each other.

"It is very dark."  the little old lady said.  "Come inside and spend the night.  I have plenty of space."

"We are not supposed to talk to strangers."  Donnie said.

Another howl from a wolf.  This one even closer.

"But you are not a stranger.  You are Little Red Riding Hood's Grandmother."  Danny added.

"I will be happy to make you dinner.  I have so few visitors."  Grandmother said.

"I will be happy to make YOU dinner."  Is what Donnie heard.  Maybe Danny was right.  How do we know that this woman is not a serial killer?  Does she plan on eating us for dinner?

Another howl.

Donnie decided to take his chance with the old lady rather than the wolf.

All four boys followed the little old lady into her cabin.  They were very hungry.  No one had packed any food for the journey.  At least they would have safe place to sleep for the evening.  Or so they thought.


  1. JT, I tried to text to your cell phone (wasn't able to!), but once again, here on a Saturday I come to your site to read your postings (and to enjoy them). I look forward to seeing you and talking with you. In His love, Tim

  2. Hi Tim. No money means no phone service. Thank you for being such a faithful friend. My first priority is to find housing. After that, I will find the means to get my phone service turned back on. Your brother in Christ - JT
