Monday, January 14, 2013

The Grim Reaper missed me

Today started out to be a very surreal day.  All night long, I had been tormented by demons.  Some of my own.  Some whom I know not.  They were filling my head with horrible thoughts.  Thoughts too horrible to even write.  Yesterday my depression was so bad I begged for God to remove me from this earth.  Even invited the Grim Reaper to pay me a visit.

The Grim Reaper did visit.  However, the Grim Reaper missed me.  As I was headed to the bus stop this morning, I literally had to walk around a homeless person who froze to death.  The temperature had dropped to 27 degrees last night.  There the man laid completely blue.  Only God knows when the authorities will be around to scrape his body off the pavement.

"Where are this man's friends or family?"  I wondered.  There will be no obituary in the newspaper.  No funeral.  His cold frigid body will be taken and stored at the county morgue just in case someone comes to identify the body.  Somehow I feel partly to blame for this man's death.  I invited the Grim Reaper and he came.  God has me marked where death or demons can not touch me.  Since they could not take my life, is it possible they were able to take someone's life? 

I am a sick, sick man.  Here I am with another Delusion of Grandeur.  Do I think I can conjur the dark side?  The simple fact is that it was this poor homeless man's time to go.

Maybe the truth is that God showed compassion to this man.  Maybe this man is homeless no more.  Maybe God has prepared a place for this wonderful human being created in God's image.  Maybe he is now part of the kingdom of God with sons and daughters of God.  No longer is he alone.  No longer is he homeless.  No longer does he have to suffer.  Truly God is a God of mercy and compassion.

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