Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Gift from My Neighbor

Jasminum Officinale [White Jasmine]

Yesterday I wrote a thank you card to my neighbor Karen.  I let her know how much I enjoy her garden every time I come or go from my apartment.  This morning I woke up and found a card and a small vase filled with Jasmine.  Inside the card, she had enclosed two packets of tea and invited me over to her apartment for the complete tour of the incredible garden she has been working on.  The Jasmine is so fragrant my entire apartment is filled with the aroma from this delicate flower.  How wonderful it will be to meet with my friend Karen for tea! 


  1. Hey John, check out the unit I just got for the Gray Line Project:

    It can turn out 35,000 copies per month (of course I have to buy the paper and toner) -- at a cost of .20 per page instead of $2.00 per page.

  2. JT, Thanks for the reply to the text and the post as well, both made me smile and give thanks....Where is your advance training for the April 7-8 (not sure of dates)and maybe if it's nearby, we connect? Your article on listening is SO RIGHT ON... I hope that I remember it when I see you and apply it. Gotta love the gift of flowers and fragrance. Um... the gardena is already filling my sense of smell with it's beauty. Working in prisons... how ironic... Matthew 25-36 is our slogan/logo. Next month... We meet! for sure!
