Monday, March 4, 2013

The Greatest Sin of All

After this weekend of much contemplation and meditation, I have come to believe that I am guilty of the worst sin of all.  I believe that the greatest sin of all is not believing and trusting that the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed on the cross for the sins of the world is enough to cover my sin.  Now I understand why Dr. Harold Mozak told me, "You are the God of your own universe."

Often I have believed that the greatest sin of all is not loving God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and/or the failure to love my neighbor.  Those were thoughts of younger years. 

"Dear God~

Please forgive me for not accepting and embracing the work you did on the cross for me.  Help me to trust and believe that I have not done the unpardonable sin.  Your Word says that you will remove my sin as far as the east is from the west and Your Word also says that you will remember my sin no more.  Help me to be the light to others and allow you to love others through me.  Help me to embrace your love instead of dwelling on the sins of my past.  Truth be told, there are no sins of my past as you have forgiven and forgotten them.  Too good to be true?  But true!

I love you Lord

John Thomas"


  1. Absolute truth. You've got it, now. Hold on to it.

  2. Fantastic to hear from you Sue! It has been too long since our paths have crossed. Hopefully soon, we can rekindle our friendship. That is of course is if you can forgive me for how horrible I have behaved. Please forgive me?
