Saturday, March 23, 2013

Beethoven's Violin Concerto

Feeling totally blessed, my friend Hahn took me to see Beethoven's Violin Concerto performed by the Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra at the Lobero Theatre on Friday night.  Rob Kapoilow did an awesome job conducting and leading an hour-long discussion and demonstration of the piece, followed by a 15-minute intermission, a performance of the piece in full, and a question-and -answer session.

Chee-Yun was the soloist.  She was the winner of the 1989 Young Concert Artists International auditions and the 1990 Avery Fisher Career Grant.  Chee-Yun performs regularly with the world's foremost orchestras, including the Philadelphia Orchestra, the London Philharmonic, and the Toronto, Houston, Seattle, Pittsburgh, and National Symphony orchestras.  She was phenomenal.

Hahn and I walked to and from the theatre on a beautiful moonlit night.  The stars were sparkling in the Santa Barbara ski as well as on the stage.  I hope we have a chance to go again in the future.  It was a wonderful evening.  Thank you Hahn, Rob and Chee-Yun!

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