Monday, April 22, 2013

Dear Lord

Do you remember what happened fifty-five years ago?

Do you remember my first cry as I entered into this world?

I was completely clueless as to what would become of my life.

Dear Lord,  I completely made a mess of the life that you had given me.  There is no need for me to tell you all the different ways that I failed.  However, that is not the reason for my prayer.

Dear Lord, I want to thank you for a new beginning.  My name is John Thomas and I have no need to harp on my former past.  You have provided me a new home in Santa Barbara.  It was not by my choice that I ended up in Santa Barbara but your divine intervention.  Santa Barbara has become a taste of heaven for me.  A wonderful paradise.  How many times have I told you that I feel closest to you when I am near the ocean?  The ocean is now my front yard.  I can walk and talk to you as I feel close to you as I soak up the sun and breathe in the fresh ocean breeze.

Dear Lord, I used to be so depressed because I was so lonely.  Living all  alone.  Now I love to create new water worlds with you in the privacy of my own place.  Now I come to the garden, not alone, but with you as I continue to plant and tend to the beautiful garden you have provided me.  You chose wonderful garments for me to wear.  Millionaires throw away clothes that I would never be able to afford.  Thanks to you and Uncle Sam,  I did not have to find the $80,000 dollars needed for my open heart surgery.  You provided doctors, nurses, therapists, social workers and a multitude number of professionals to care and tend for me for the six months prior and to the six months after my surgery.

Now I live a simple life and I try to help the homeless, feed the hungry, tend to the mentally ill and work and visit those in prison.  I had no idea that the worst years of my life would lead to the best years of my life.

Dear Lord, I know that this has nothing to do with me.  I know with all my heart and soul that this has everything to do with you.  I am truly blessed.

Dear Lord,  Thank you for everything and thank you for this special day!

I love you Lord!

Your child and friend,

John Thomas

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