Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Imaginary Birthday Cake

What a JOY it was to check facebook today and see exactly fifty-five birthday greetings from friends and family.  Yesterday was a very quiet day and the only one I heard from was my Mom who sent me a card in the mail.  Thanks Mom.  However, to everyone who remembered to send me a birthday greeting, I just want to thank you so very much.  It really meant a lot to me and I will treasure each and every one.  Sometimes I feel unloved and it touches the very core of my soul and being to hear from you.

Here is My Imaginary Birthday cake, I hope you will have a piece.  The cake is magical so it can be any flavor you choose.  I searched from hundreds of cakes and this is the one I chose.  Not exactly sure what that means but I will forever have a side of me which desires to be Dr. Doolittle and have the gift of being able to "Talk to the Animals"!

Thanks again for being at my cyber party!  Hope you enjoyed the cake!

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