Thursday, April 4, 2013

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Guess what Donnie and I did yesterday?  We went whale watching!  We had a marvelous time!  One of the incredible sights we were able to see was two pairs of mother and calf  humpback whales.  They were breaching for us and giving us many photo opportunities.  We were blessed with a sighting of a gray whale and a sunfish basking in the sun.

We also saw two different pods of dolphins.  The trip left out of Ventura and we sailed all the way to Anacapa Island where we saw pelicans nesting, seal lions sunbathing and an untold number of different birds.

Although we did not actually see any rainbows, it was like a dream come true for us!  We were on the ocean for three and a half hours.  When we were departing, they played this song sung by IZ.

When we returned home, we were delighted to see our first flower on our Gardenia plant.

Donnie and I feel totally blessed!  We made sure to spend some time in prayer to thank God for an incredible day!  One we shall cherish for a long, long time.

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